Girl Friday anunciam álbum de estreia “Androgynous Mary”

As Girl Friday, banda originária de Los Angeles, acabam de anunciar o lançamento do seu disco de estreia, “Androgynous Mary”, para 21 de Agosto.

Como antecipação ao lançamento do album, acabam de partilhar o video para o seu terceiro single, “Public Bodies“, realizado por Gussie Larkin.

Sobre o single e o vídeo ficam aqui as palavras da banda:

“The song reflects an unquenching will to survive. The correlation between caring for our plants and caring for our body/soul is close. We water them, change their soil, put on Plantasia for them, and give them a little nutrients. But sometimes we water them too much. Or we ignore them for weeks. Sometimes we become the thing that destroys us. We are made aware of all the ways in which we are the one causing our own roots to spoil, that we are our own oppressor. We’re made aware that the thing we are supposed to trust deeply has betrayed us.

In a greater context, it is reflective of the systems that we uphold by being blind to them. In being blind or complacent, we unknowingly ourselves cause harm both invisibly and externally. We have to have an unmistakable commitment to caring for the health of our souls and the souls of others. Sometimes you just gotta get a can of weed-killer to your own face and call it a day!”
